Brief History of the Degree Programme
College of Home Science now College of Community Science came into existence on September 01, 1988 and was housed in two small rooms occupied Krishi Vigyan Kendra at college of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Shri S.P. Purohit, the then Registrar and O/I, KVK RAU, Bikaner was the founder of Home Science College. KVK was operative at Bikaner since 1983 and two training assistants with PG degree in department of Home Management and Extension Education Department working at KVK, were given the responsibility of taking classes at College. It was shifted to its own building at SKRAU campus Beechwal, Bikaner. Later on, the UG programme was reoriented to four year B.Sc.( Hons.) Programme with one year of professional skill oriented courses and internship training in one of the areas of Home Science in 2001. PG in department of Food and Nutrition was started in the session 1995- 96 while in department of Extension Education was started in the year 2000.Ph.D. courses were started in Department of Extension Education and Food & Nutrition in 2005 and 2006,respectively. Nomenclature of the College of Home Science was changed to the College of Community Science in year 2021.