Food and Nutrition

Head of the Department : Dr. Vimla Dunkwal

About the Degree Programme

The college started offering P.G. programme in the year 1996 in the Department of Food and Nutrition with the
intake capacity of five seats. The efforts of faculty of Department of Food and Nutrition have been
recognized at different levels. Besides teaching and extension, the research work in the field of arid
foods, community nutrition, clinical nutrition and quality evaluation of different foods has brought
accolades to the faculty and the University.


1. To impart viable education in the field of Food and Nutrition and allied branches.

2. To undertake research on the current issues related to Food and Nutrition.

3. To carry out various nutrition programmes in the community as a bilateral process.


Project on “Dissemination of post Harvest Technology of Arid Food for Doubling the Farmer’s Income”
Sanctioned w in 2018 funded by RKVY, GOR was undertaken by Department of Food and Nutrition. M.Sc. Degree to
83 students in Food and Nutrition from 2019-2023 was awarded. Assessment of nutritional status of rural and
urban community has been carried out extensively for various age groups. Many low cost nutritious recipes
have been developed for rural and urban masses. The students and staff of department have published more
than 40 research papers and abstracts, 14 popular articles etc., 2 books and 10 book chapters. Faculty
members of the department have attended 10 conference, workshops, winter schools and orientation courses etc
during the period from 2019 till 2023.

Bakery unit of College of Community Science (Maru Shakti) , Swami Kesavanand Rajasthan Agricultural
University, Bikaner have been granted a patent by the Federal Republic of Germany on the ingredients of
millet biscuits prepared by them.

Faculty Strength in the department of FN

Departments Sanctioned Filled
Prof Assoc. Prof. Asstt. Prof. Prof Assoc. Prof. Asstt. Prof.
FN 01 01 02 01 02*

* One Assistant Professor is working as professor under CAS